Effective Increase Value Added Creation of Mudmee Silk for Improve Brand Value of Community Enterprise in Chonnabot District, Khon Kaen

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Wanjanya Wirakul
Umarwan Watakit
Jeeranun Khemkhan


The objective of this research was to study guidelines effective increasing value added creation of Mudmee Silk for improving brand value of Community Enterprise in Chonnabot District, Khon Kaen. Researcher used quantitative research. The samples were used in this study were buyers of Mudmee Silk products. Simple random sampling 323 samples. The statistics used in the research were Factor Analysis and Pearson's Correlation Coefficient. The research found that guidelines effective increase value added creation of Mudmee Silk for improving brand value It was divided into 5 groups called “B-R-A-N-D” 1. Brand Equity (B) 2. Create Recognize (R) 3. Add Value (A) 4. New product innovation (N) and 5. Distribution (D) which allows buyers to buy Mudmee Silk.

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How to Cite
Wirakul, W. . ., Watakit, U. . ., & Khemkhan, J. . . (2020). Effective Increase Value Added Creation of Mudmee Silk for Improve Brand Value of Community Enterprise in Chonnabot District, Khon Kaen. Dusit Thani College Journal, 12(3), 532–547. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/journaldtc/article/view/240987
Research Article


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