The Study of the Effects of Population Change at Riverbanks’s Communities Toward the Guality of Water at Phetchaburi River in 10 Years (2006 - 2015)

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Wanjai Lamprom
Kasem Chunkao
Ittiphol Rasriekreangkrai
Thanit Pattamapitoon
Alongkorn Intraraksa
Watcharapong Wararam


The purposes of this research were firstly, to study the effects of population change at riverbanks’s communities toward the quality of water at Phetchaburi river in 10 years, between 2006 and 2015. Secondly, the guidelines on monitoring water pollution caused by the activities of the people in the communities were proposed. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected and the analyzed by multiple regression analysis.

     The results of the study showed that the population over the 10 - year period (2006 - 2015) has increased in all areas. In 2006, the population size was the biggest with 87,582 persons. However, the number of population has been declining every year. In 2015, the total population was 83,741. Considering the area, it was found that the areas with the increased total population were the downstream and upstream areas with the increasing percentage of 7.84 and 3.40 respectively from 2006 to 2015. Furthermore, there was a linear settlement pattern of the people living along the Phetchaburi river. Multiple regression analysis method was used to analyze the data with the consideration of the factors affecting population changes in five areas: storage zone, upstream, municipality, downstream, and seawater influenced and the 4 indicators of water quality in the Phetchaburi river during the dry season - Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Total Coliform Bacteria (TCB), and Fecal Coliform Bacteria (FCB). It was found that the population change in all areas could be explained by the quality of the water in the Phetchaburi river. However, the population change in downstream area could best explain the quality of water with the percentage of 62.9.

     The results of this study by areas showed that the population changes in the storage zone, upstream, municipality, downstream and seawater influenced area could explain the quality of the water in the Phetchaburi River with the percentage of 43.8, 58, 58.9, 62.9 and 45.7 respectively. Regarding the water quality index, Dissolved Oxygen (DO) could best describe the relationship between population change and water quality in the Phetchaburi river in all areas except in downstream area where Total Coliform Bacteria (TCB) could best describe the relationship between population change and the water quality in the Phetchaburi river.

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How to Cite
Lamprom , W. ., Chunkao , K. . ., Rasriekreangkrai, I. . ., Pattamapitoon, T. . ., Intraraksa, A. . ., & Wararam, W. . . (2020). The Study of the Effects of Population Change at Riverbanks’s Communities Toward the Guality of Water at Phetchaburi River in 10 Years (2006 - 2015). Dusit Thani College Journal, 12(3), 548–568. retrieved from
Research Article


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