Tourism Destination Image Evaluation by Photo Elicitation: A Case Study of a Crude Oil Leakage Crisis on Samed Island, Rayong, Thailand

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Chavana Angkanurakbun
Natthakan Pruksorranan


Tourism is an essential industry that makes the economic growth in society however this industry is also sensitive to disaster and crises. This study aimed to assess the attraction of Samed Island for tourists before and after a leakage of crude oil and to understand the changing image of the island. The study involved 120 Thai and foreign tourists and data were collected by in-depth interviews and responses to a collection of photographs of the island. Results showed that among the component of tourist destination image; attractions, atmosphere and activities are the initial concern before traveling to the destination while local people, transportation, accommodation and food are less important respectively. After the oil leakage, tourists have mix of feelings especially feelings of grief and depression as well as concern about animal, environment and pollution. Despite the oil crude having negative effects, this only lasted for a limited time, and most tourists still found the island attractive as a destination. Strategies were also proposed to restore a positive image.

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How to Cite
Angkanurakbun , C. . . ., & Pruksorranan, N. . . (2020). Tourism Destination Image Evaluation by Photo Elicitation: A Case Study of a Crude Oil Leakage Crisis on Samed Island, Rayong, Thailand. Dusit Thani College Journal, 13(1), 27–40. retrieved from
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