Value Creation of Products and Management Innovation of Community Enterprises

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Somkiat Sutthinarakorn
Yuwaree Yanprechaset
Chaiyos Paiwithayasiritham Paiwithayasiritham
Narin Sungrugsa


This research aimed to study the value creation of products and management innovations of community enterprises. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were employed in the study. Samples of quantitative study were 431 leaders of good-level rated community enterprises by using stratified random sampling. Research instruments were questionnaires. Statistics such as percentage means and standard deviation were used for data analysis. Based on data collected, interviews with ten community leaders from ten community enterprises were done by using semi-structured interviews. Data from interviews were analyzed by using content analysis.

Finding revealed that, community enterprises were able to create values for their product at high level whilst management innovations were also found at high level in all five categories: organizational innovation, process innovation, marketing innovation, innovative knowledge management, and personnel competencies. In-depth information revealed the limitations on story telling towards history and culture that can be merged with products’ value creation. Knowledge still attached with some persons who can communicate with audience during trade fairs. Prominent points of community enterprises’ products such as the environmental-friendly. The factors affecting the successfulness were community enterprise members’ entrepreneurship and marketing experiences.

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How to Cite
Sutthinarakorn, S. . ., Yanprechaset, Y. ., Paiwithayasiritham, C. . P., & Sungrugsa, N. . . (2020). Value Creation of Products and Management Innovation of Community Enterprises. Dusit Thani College Journal, 13(1), 270–283. retrieved from
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