Using Storytelling Marketing Concepts to Promote Thai Cuisine in 4 Regions

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Saranyaa Niemchai
Kosin Panyaem
Narathip Wattanaparb
Thaweedej Tawatnagul


It is undeniable that Thai cuisine is one of the most popular and favorite food of people all over the world. Using storytelling to strengthen in Thai dishes will allow foreigner or travelers to experiences of authenticity, inspirational and creativity in each individual dish.   As a consequent, storytelling is one of the most powerful marketing tools that can help to reflect the individuality of Authentic Thai cuisine. Therefore, apply a content marketing approach will add value to a brand amazingly and create the uniqueness story to dishes. Especially, in different part of regional cuisine has its own characteristic identity. According to the cultural and traditional way of life. Moreover, the different food sources and materials from different part of four regions that blended in Thai cuisine. For example, it can be the variety of ingredients, herbs or special unique blend of tastes. In doing so, it is highly recommended for entrepreneurs to apply the storytelling concept to the principle of Menu Engineering. This will allow the opportunity to integrate the background story of each dishes into menu for add up the value to provide the best service experience to your customer

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How to Cite
Niemchai, S. . ., Panyaem, K. . ., Wattanaparb, N. . ., & Tawatnagul, T. . . (2020). Using Storytelling Marketing Concepts to Promote Thai Cuisine in 4 Regions. Dusit Thani College Journal, 13(1), 459–474. retrieved from
Academic Article


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