Critical Success Factors Affecting B737-800 Pilot Initial Training

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Nisara Paethrangsi


The purposes of this study were to (1) identify suitable key performance indicators and critical success factors of B737-800 initial pilot training in Thailand, (2) prioritize these critical success factors based on the experts’ perspectives (instructor pilots’ and trainee pilots’ perspectives), and (3) examine significant differences between ranking results.

     Two certain groups of experts, fifteen instructor pilots (IPs) with over five years of experiences in training and fifteen first officers who passed B737-800 pilot initial training within one year with satisfactory results, were selected to share their perspectives. Based on a review of literature, four primary key performance indicators (KPIs); effective work performance, customer's satisfaction, learning and development, and passing criteria, and 12 primary critical success factors (CSFs) from four groups; (1) training course (2) instructor (3) trainee and (4) equipment and evaluation were determined. Questionnaire surveys with key stakeholders to determine the applicability of these KPIs and CSFs in the context of Thailand were used before developing a hierarchy model. Pair-wise comparisons, weight were calculated based on AHP approach and consistency check were also conducted. Priority ranking of all CSFs was based on their global weights then, analyzed the relationship between rankings from two expert groups by Spearman Rank Correlation Test.

     It was found that factors affecting B 737-800 pilot initial training that were prioritized according to twelve obtained CSFs, with views of instructor pilots and trainee pilots. Comparison of two expert groups’ view showed that Spearman rank correlation coefficient is 0.71, with null hypothesis was all rejected. Therefore, no statistically significant difference between the rankings of the critical success factors with a 95% confidence interval. Factors affecting B 737-800 pilot initial training were prioritized (1) knowledgeable and skillful instructor (2) curriculum is aligned with organization’s goals (3) trainees understand the objectives and have a good attitude towards training (4) adequate and sufficient training equipment. The necessity of having training equipment/ instrument available, the most popular and modern in a given period was perceived as less significant. However, based on the correlation test, there was no statistically significant difference between the rankings at level of 0.05

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How to Cite
Paethrangsi , N. . (2020). Critical Success Factors Affecting B737-800 Pilot Initial Training . Dusit Thani College Journal, 13(2), 248–264. retrieved from
Research Article


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