Services and Development Guidelines for 4.0 Sport Tourist Accommodation

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Panicha Jirasanyansakul


Tourism in the 4.0 era has various forms in terms of economic, social and environmental conditions including tourist behaviour that affects the accommodation business owners. The owners need to adjust their strategies to cope with these changes to the tourists most satisfied with technology creativity and innovation. This article reveals the development guidelines of accommodations and services in the 4.0 era of Thailand that is associated to the behaviour and needs of the continuous growth of sports tourists. The guidelines proposed consists of 1) the unique accommodation and facilities of the sport. 2) the use of technology in marketing management to modernize and 3) presentation of additional activities to generate more experiences of travelling to impress tourists.

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How to Cite
Jirasanyansakul, P. . . (2020). Services and Development Guidelines for 4.0 Sport Tourist Accommodation . Dusit Thani College Journal, 13(2), 347–358. retrieved from
Academic Article


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