Herbal Inhaler and the Concept of Creating Packaging Innovation of Herbal Inhaler Products

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Jutarat Piriyabenjawat


Herb inhaler is the herbal nostrum which it has an easy process to produce. Nowadays, Thailand has many inhalant products and brands ; the famous one till OTOP (One Tumbon One Product). Not only worth and beneficial of herbal but things which affect the choice to use herb inhaler in the period of high competition in product marketing need to develop different innovation to create outstanding herbal inhaler product to make more value for it.

      For herbal inhalers can be made easily, making it highly competitive. Similar packaging bottle styles Such as a glass bottle, a plastic bottle, not a packaging highlight, therefore creating an innovation of herbal inhalers is thought to be derived from the extension of folk wisdom on molding With the shape of a Thai literary form, combined with a bottle of herbal inhalers that are one OTOP products for creating added value for the product create sales opportunities and gain more profit.

          This article aims to propose idea to create distinguished innovation to make distinctive for herbal inhaler product and make more valuable for herbal inhaler product. It is proposed through aspect of product design to make more value of product

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How to Cite
Piriyabenjawat , J. . . (2020). Herbal Inhaler and the Concept of Creating Packaging Innovation of Herbal Inhaler Products. Dusit Thani College Journal, 13(2), 479–492. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/journaldtc/article/view/241087
Academic Article


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