The Guide to Develop Employee Engagement in Organization

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Prapaisri Thamviriyavong


Human is the most important resource of the organization.  It is the major factor that drive the organization to success. The concept to empower human resources or to unleash the potential of human beings (Workforce Enrichment) has become an important strategy that helps the organization to achieve competitive advantages. In particular, the power stemming from employee engagement will help in driving employees dedication and devotion for the success of the organization.  There are a variety of ways to enrich the workforce.  Examples are : to establish common value for employees, to enhance standard of living, to develop the job functions that are challenging and interesting to work with, to promote good relationship among works, to provide sufficient benefits, to create opportunities for advancement, and to promote the leadership for employees.


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How to Cite
Thamviriyavong, P. . . (2020). The Guide to Develop Employee Engagement in Organization. Dusit Thani College Journal, 13(2), 493–504. retrieved from
Academic Article


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