Stakeholders Perception Toward Destination Brand Image Sustainability: The Case Study of Mae Kam Pong Community

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Nattawut Wita
Suwaree Namwong


The aim of this research is to measure sustainable community based on tourism brand images as viewed by stakeholders in tourism community which is followed by research questions: How is the sustainable community based on tourism brand image as viewed by stakeholders in destination of Mae Kam Pong tourists’ community?

This study employed the qualitative approach involving the survey of stakeholder in Mae Kam Pong village, Chiang Mai, Thailand from February 2018 – May 2018. An interview was administered to twenty-two stakeholders and the data analyses performed using a content analysis.

The qualitative finding demonstrates that natural resources and peaceful to relax accommodations are the highlighted resource of Mae Kam Pong village. The village is the potential slow tourism and is the sustainability of the natural by the management system. The conceptual framework developed and tested in this study can be used as a guideline to enable an appropriate community based on management strategies that promote slow tourism and sustainable destination to be developed.

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How to Cite
Wita, N. . ., & Namwong , S. . . . (2020). Stakeholders Perception Toward Destination Brand Image Sustainability: The Case Study of Mae Kam Pong Community . Dusit Thani College Journal, 13(3), 409–424. Retrieved from
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