Acceptance and Use of Technology: The Important Role in Creative Behavior of Employee in Thailand MICE Industry

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Poonperm Serivichayaswadi
Kaedsiri Jaroenwisan


Mutual integration between knowledge, creativity, and digital technology are caused of acceptance and use of technology and resulting in use behaviors which are creative behaviors that are caused by the adaptation of the technology to be applied in the work and creating a new work process innovation resulting from the application of technology. These creative behaviors are related to the core competencies of Employee in MICE industry in terms of knowledge of new technologies to increase efficiency and value of work. So creative behavior is very important to Thailand MICE industry

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How to Cite
Serivichayaswadi, P. ., & Jaroenwisan, K. . (2020). Acceptance and Use of Technology: The Important Role in Creative Behavior of Employee in Thailand MICE Industry. Dusit Thani College Journal, 13(3), 505–519. retrieved from
Academic Article


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