Public Management Through Third Sectors Collaboration

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Damrongsak Junthothai


The Collaborative Public Management between social entities has long been known, especially in charitable affairs. In modern society Government always play the major role in the public affairs, as well as get the job done by business in some mission. In complex society, it’s unavoidable and necessary to collaborate all parties, among State, Business and Third Sectors for the public management to accomplish. In this article will show the Public Administration as academic field which concerns the important of the Third Sector in public arenas, as emphases in theoretical concepts; characteristic; purposes & activities; movement; and relations of Civil Society and other entities in Thailand in the present and the future.

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How to Cite
Junthothai, D. . (2020). Public Management Through Third Sectors Collaboration. Dusit Thani College Journal, 14(1), 434–452. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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