Knowledge Management Model of Prachinburi Province Herbal City for Wellness Tourism

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Maneerat Sukkasem
Kaedsiri Jaroenwisan
Santidhorn Pooripakdee


The objectives of this research is to study the knowledge management model of Herbal City of Prachinburi Province for wellness tourism. This research is a qualitative research by using research methods in behavioral science and social science. The population was used in this qualitative research was purposive sampling groups, an executive who plays a role in the development of the Herbal City of Prachinburi Province and has a role as a recognized leader at the provincial and local communities for a total of 52 people. It was categorized into 3 groups, group 1; 18 experts from government agencies with administrative positions, group 2; 11 key informants from tourism businesses operators with administrative positions and group 3; 9 key informants from community leaders, philosophers, and networks of organic herbal groups and organic agriculture groups. For the focus group of 12 people who involved from the government sector, private sector and public sector in a formal manner. The results of the research showed that the knowledge management model of Herbal City of Prachinburi Province consists of 5 aspects: 1) knowledge identification 2) knowledge creation and knowledge acquisition 3) knowledge distribution 4) Knowledge storage and 5) knowledge utilization

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How to Cite
Sukkasem, M. . ., Jaroenwisan, K. . ., & Pooripakdee, S. . . (2020). Knowledge Management Model of Prachinburi Province Herbal City for Wellness Tourism . Dusit Thani College Journal, 14(2), 86–102. retrieved from
Research Article


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