Evaluation of Distance Medical System to Support Health Care of the Elderly In the 21St Century to the 12 Cities Hidden Gem

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Wipada Mukda
Wanphen Wanphen Kuensman


This research aims to (1) study the evaluation of long-distance medical system to support healthcare of the elderly and 2) to propose the guidelines for the development of long-distance medical system to support healthcare of the elderly in the 21st century to the 12 cities hidden gem. The research tools were questionnaires and interview forms. The sample consisted of 400 elderly and 36 related interview. The statistics used in the research were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and the results were summarized to propose the guidelines for the development of long-distance medical system to support healthcare of the elderly. The research found that : 1) The evaluation of long-distance medical system with the CIPPIEST model process was at a high level, which were transfer of learning evaluation, sustainable evaluation, context evaluation, product evaluation, effective evaluation, process evaluation, impact evaluation, and input evaluation. 2) Guidelines for the development of long-distance medical system: context evaluation, there should be laws to support the operation. input evaluation, there should be an assessment of manpower, determination of responsibility and authority. process evaluation, there should be continuous human resource development. product evaluation, public relations to provide information about services. Impact evaluation, should improve the places of service, modern equipment’s, and more quality medicines. effective evaluation, should focus on the development of management systems. sustainable evaluation, there should be convenient and fast service. transfer of learning evaluation, there should be communication channels with external parties and network partners.

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How to Cite
Mukda, W. . ., & Wanphen Kuensman , W. . (2020). Evaluation of Distance Medical System to Support Health Care of the Elderly In the 21St Century to the 12 Cities Hidden Gem . Dusit Thani College Journal, 14(3), 178–197. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/journaldtc/article/view/245505
Research Article


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