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Thirawat Chantuk
Jittapon Chumkate
Chisnupong Sirichotnisakon
Rachanon Taweephol
Tanapat Intawee


This research aims to 1) studied on local wisdom of local food production based on identity of Thai-Muslim community; 2) developed at least 2 local food recipes  representing identity of Thai-Muslim community; and 3) developed potential and improve knowledge and abilities of personnel in community enterprise group by managing community enterprise to support tourism. Qualitative research consists of in-depth interviews lesson learned and developmental research. The results revealed that menu, ingredients, and cooking provided information on producing local food based on identity of Thai-Muslim community leading to development of food products from ingredients found in such community whereas uniqueness of Muslim spices must be conserved in order to enable consumers to experience the taste of Muslim. In addition, uniqueness of food from community resources should be maintained and cleanliness should be more emphasized than luxuriousness. For distribution, food should be distributed under “community restaurant” with: 1) the recipe for visitor groups and tourists of Thai-Muslim community consisted of: 1.1) unique Muslim food the community restaurant; 1.2) Local food, 2) The recipe for events related to tourism and hotel or resort entrepreneur groups. The result of potential development for improving knowledge and abilities of personnel in community enterprise on planning tourism program or participating in mutual study trip on creating recipes reflecting identity’s identity could be concluded that travel routes of the community could be divided into 3 styles including: Route 1 – Royal Initiative Projects; Route 2 – community’s way of life; and Route 3 – natural tourism. To develop tourism, it was very necessary to gain cooperation from community by providing some opportunities to stakeholders in community to manage the community’s areas and lower poverty while increasing income of local people.

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How to Cite
Chantuk, T. ., Chumkate, J. . ., Sirichotnisakon , C. . ., Taweephol, R. ., & Intawee, T. . . (2021). DEVELOPMENT OF UNIQUE COMMUNITY FOOD PRODUCTS FOR IMPROVING POTENTIAL OF COMMUNITY TOURISM OF THAI-MUSLIM COMMUNITY. Dusit Thani College Journal, 15(1), 454–475. retrieved from
Research Article


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