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Nattapon Tribusayarat
Praweena Kasai


The purposes of the research were: (1) To study the definition of engagement of generation Y employees in fine dining restaurant in Bangkok (2) To study the factors influencing engagement of generation Y employees in fine dining restaurant in Bangkok This qualitative study has been conducted by in-depth interviews. The key informants were generation Y operating employees and supervisors who were born between 1980-1997 and had job experience in fine dining restaurants in Bangkok more than 1 year. The researcher interviewed six generation Y employees and six supervisors from six dining restaurants which were reviewed as the 10 best restaurants in Bangkok via Wongnai website. The results were (1) generation Y employees in fine dining restaurants defined engagements into 3 main points which consist of 1) employees feelings of love and care 2) dedication to the organization 3) intention to stay with the organization (2) factors that influence employee engagement are divided into two main-factors which are 1) Organizational Factors: consists of company policies and administration, leadership of the supervisors, relationship to employees, working conditions, training and developments, and organization reputation. 2) Job factors consist of autonomy, job challenge, career growth, and participation at work. The results of this research provide a guideline for entrepreneurs in determining or improving factors that influencing the engagement of generation Y employees in fine dining restaurant, by incorporating the organizational factors on training and development and job factors on career growth in organization to develop knowledge and ability of employees in their career, and career paths. This approach will make employees engage with the organization and retain quality employee in the organization. Entrepreneurs can also incorporate the organizational factors on relationship to employees and working conditions for planning of workplace environment, job design, collaborative working processes, and teamwork, which is what generation Y employees are looking for.

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How to Cite
Tribusayarat, N. ., & Kasai, P. (2021). FACTORS INFLUENCING ENGAGEMENT OF GENERATION Y EMPLOYEES IN FINE DINING RESTAURANT IN BANGKOK. Dusit Thani College Journal, 15(2), 191–207. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/journaldtc/article/view/249344
Research Article


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