Factors Affecting the Participation Needs in Community-Based Tourism Management of Ban Nam Rab Community, Kantang District, Trang Province
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This research aimed to study factors affecting the participation needs in community-based tourism management of Ban Nam Rab community, Kantang district, Trang province. The sample consisted of 146 people in Ban Nam Rab community, Kantang district, Trang province. The research instrument was a 5-level rating scale questionnaire with the reliability of 0.98, the level of content validity was between 0.67-1.00. The statistic employed for data analysis was multiple regression analysis, statistical significance level targeted at 0.01. It was found that, factors affecting the participation needs in community-based tourism management positively influenced participation needs level in community-based tourism management of Ban Nam Rab community, Kantang district, Trang province at the statistical significance level of 0.01. Moreover, the Ban Nam Rab community had a high level of factors affecting the participation needs, resulting in a higher level of participation needs in community-based tourism management of Ban Nam Rab community, Kantang district, Trang province.
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