Causal Relationship Model of Salesperson Job Performance of A Real Estate Business: The Mediation Role of Job Crafting

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Kulthida Wongsitikul
Chaiyut Kleebbua


The objective of this research was to develop causal relationship model of Salesperson Job performance of Real estate business with job crafting as the mediator. Sampling in this study were 186 Salesperson of a Real Estate Business. A research instrument used in this study was a questionnaire, it was analysed by a structural equation modelling with Mplus program (SEM). The result showed that the calculated indices provided good model fit (ð‘Ĩ2 = 36.58, df = 38, ð‘Ĩ2/ df = 0.96, P-Value = 0.53, RMSEA = 0.00, CFI = 1.00, TLI = 1.00 SRMR = 0.03) All variables in the model were accounted for in the calculation of indices and they could explain Job Performance of Salesperson at 47.8%. Job demands which include of work pressure and emotional demands have a total effect with statistically significant on Job performance (b = 0.28, p <.01) and have an indirect effect with statistically significant on Job performance as a mediation of Job crafting (b = 0.35, p <.01). Job resources which include of job autonomy and feedback have a total effect with statistically significant on Job performance (b = 0.24, p <.01) and have an indirect effect with statistically significant on Job performance as a mediation of Job crafting (b = 0.34, p <.01). The results showed that Job crafting is a fully mediator that can be explained a relationship between job demands and job resources which affecting job performance. The results of this study can be applied in plaining to improve salesperson performance which will benefit the administration.

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How to Cite
Wongsitikul, K. ., & Kleebbua, C. . (2022). Causal Relationship Model of Salesperson Job Performance of A Real Estate Business: The Mediation Role of Job Crafting. Dusit Thani College Journal, 16(3), 89–105. retrieved from
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