The Influence of Causal Factors of Behavior of Demonstration School Students in Bangkok
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This study on causal factors influencing on behaviors of students of demonstration schools in Bangkok aims to study on administrator’s characteristics, teacher’s characteristics, student’s participation, school’s environment, and learning behavior level of students of demonstration schools in Bangkok and casual factors influencing on behaviors of students of demonstration schools in Bangkok. This research was conducted in the form of quantitative research with questionnaire as the research tool. Data were analyzed by using descriptive analytical statistics to find frequency, percentage, mean, and Standard Deviation (S.D.), and structural equation model. The results revealed that behavioral level of students of demonstration schools in Bangkok consisted of 5 variables including administrator’s characteristics, teacher’s characteristics, student’s participation, school’s environment, and learning behavior. The overall results of this study revealed that all dimensions were in the highest level. From studying on structural relationship model of casual factors influencing on behaviors of students of demonstration schools in Bangkok, it was found that the model was consistent with empirical data with learning behavior as the final result of the model. It was found that variable on school environment had direct influence and total influence on learning behavior in the highest level followed by administrator’s characteristics and student’s participation.
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