Analysis of Principal Component and Clustering of Marketing Mix Factors on the Decision to Study at Sarasas Technological College
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The objectives of this research are to analyze the common factors and cluster the behavior of students at the vocational level towards the decision to study at Sarasas technological college. The 230 students pursuing a first-year certificate were purposively selected. For factor analysis of all 7 aspects of the marketing mix factors, the principal component analysis with orthogonal rotation by Varimax method is used to extract the common components with the eigenvalues greater than 0.5. The extracted components are then clustered using the K-Means technique. The results showed that students' decision-making behavior for admission is primarily based on the field of study that meets their needs. In addition, the students also consider the cost of education as one of the key elements because most of them are middle-class family. The common components of the decision to choose further studies can be extracted into 4 aspects which are services (Eigenvalues = 4.418, Variance = 63.121%), access to information (Eigenvalues = 0.783, Variance = 11.193%), cost of education (Eigenvalues = 0.563, Variance = 8.047%), and marketing promotion (Eigenvalues = 0.479, Variance = 6.846%). The clustering’s results of the principal components based on the extracted common components can be divided into 2 groups which are those who focus more on value of money (18.27%) and those who focus more on marketing communication (81.73%). Therefore, the Sarasas technological college needs to focus more on the marketing communication strategies and the cost-effectiveness strategies.
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