Organizing Events to Enhance the Destination Image

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Phattamon Polrong
Kittipong Krootsong
Jitsupa Maungman
Satayu Romyen
Kaedsiri Jaroenwisan


Since the transition to the experience economy, events have become increasingly important in propelling the country's economy. Particularly when it comes to promoting the destination image. However, each destination is distinct. It will also result in many forms of occurrences. This article focuses on the integrative viewpoint of each type of event that contributes to the success of consistently enhancing the destination image. The study's conclusion gives the conceptual framework of the event that leads to the success of developing the destination's image. It comprises of 3 perspectives: 1) organizing the event; 2) designing the event by using the identity of the destination; and 3) event professional competency. This information will be useful to event organizers. includes people from the public and business sectors in defining acceptable standards for planning each sort of event in a varied local environment

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How to Cite
Polrong, P. ., Krootsong , K. ., Maungman , J. ., Romyen , S. ., & Jaroenwisan, K. . (2023). Organizing Events to Enhance the Destination Image . Dusit Thani College Journal, 17(1), 206–219. retrieved from
Academic Article


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