The Factors of Service Innovation Affecting on Innovation Effectiveness and Organizational Performance of the Hotel Business in Prachuap Khiri Khan District

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Kittikun Sangnin
Usa Srichaiya
Nutthaporn Awilai


The purpose of this research was to study the influence between service innovation factors affecting innovation effectiveness and organizational performance of the hotel business in Prachuap Khiri Khan Province. Data collection used questionnaires as a study tool, the sampling group used in the quantitative research was a survey of entrepreneurs and senior executive of hotels in the area of Prachuap Khiri Khan Province with a total of 281 people using the sampling method of proportional stratified random and purposive sampling. The Statistics used in data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation; and correlation coefficient statistics, also used simple regression analysis and multiple regression.The results showed that 1) service innovation had a positive influence on innovation effectiveness 2) service innovation had a positive influence on the hotel business’s organizational performance, and 3) innovation effectiveness had a positive influence on the hotel business’s organizational performance. The coefficients of influence were 0.650, 0.492 and 0.270, respectively. The analysis of service innovation variables found that knowledge management capability had the highest average (x ̅ = 3.97, SD = 0.43); the analysis of innovation effectiveness variables found that the developing new business models has the highest average level of opinions (x ̅= 3.65, SD = 0.71); the analysis of the hotel business’s organizational performance found that customer satisfaction to the creation of innovation or new business models occurred had the highest average opinion level (x ̅= 4.04, SD = 0.48). Therefore, organizations should pay attention to developing and creating innovations in ways that are appropriate to the context, which it should emphasize on creative management to create value and benefit the success of the organization in the long run.

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How to Cite
Sangnin, K. ., Srichaiya, U. ., & Awilai, N. . (2023). The Factors of Service Innovation Affecting on Innovation Effectiveness and Organizational Performance of the Hotel Business in Prachuap Khiri Khan District. Dusit Thani College Journal, 17(2), 168–180. retrieved from
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