Sports Competition Management Models Affecting Value-added Creation of Businesses in the Thai Sports Industry

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Niwat Chantharat
Sumana Chantharat


This academic article focuses on studying the format of organizing a sport competition that affects the value-added creation of businesses in the Thai sports industry. This aims to develop a conceptual framework from a review of literature and related documents that can explain the impact of organizing a sport competition that will increase the value-added of the sports industry. The study found that the format of organizing a sport competition emphasizes the approach to organizing a sport competition that uses the evaluation form as a process with a decision-making characteristic that requires information from the evaluation to help in making decisions in 4 aspects: decisions about planning to have guidelines for organizing and assessing risks in the future, decisions about the structure of responsible persons and management structures, decisions about operations, and decisions about reviewing the implementation of the competition at the end of the project to use the results of the operation to plan for the future.

Models that focused on this decision-making process contribute to the aim of adding value to sports competition management businesses, which were a significant sector driving the sports industry. This, in turn, would lead to a higher value-added in the sports industry, including innovations in competition management, sports market growth, and increasing popularity.

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How to Cite
Chantharat, N. ., & Chantharat, S. (2024). Sports Competition Management Models Affecting Value-added Creation of Businesses in the Thai Sports Industry. Dusit Thani College Journal, 18(3), 210–220. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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