Development of Basic English Typing Skills with Touch Typing Skills Exercises: Case Study of First-year Vocational Certificate Students at Bangna Commercial College
Main Article Content
This research objective was to develop basic English touch typing skills of first-year vocational certificate students at Bangna Commercial College. Using an English touch typing skill exercises created by the researcher. The target population consisted of 17 first-year vocational certificate students in the logistics field during the second semester of the academic year 2023 Bangna Commercial College. The instruments were 6 English touch typing skill exercises, the evaluation form for English touch typing training skills, and a questionnaire about the skill exercises. The data were analysed by using statistics, namely mean, standard deviation, and t-test (Dependent sample).
The results of this research were: The students who practised the touch typing skill exercises have improved English touch typing skills, considering the typing speed (the number of words typed per minute) increased. Overall, the students have developed from an improved level (average speed rate 14.94 words/minute) to an excellent level (average speed rate 28.29 words/minute). When comparing the difference in touch typing speed between the first time and the sixth time, it was significantly higher than that before using the English touch typing skill exercises at the .05 level (t-test 11.42, df = 16, P Value = 0.00). The students' reflections on the skills exercises, can be summarised into 3 aspects: 1) happiness and fun in learning typing, 2) understanding of the lessons in the typing course, and 3) application in other subjects. In addition, the results of the English touch typing skills exercises suitable overall were at the highest level ( = 4.63, S.D. = 0.16). When considering each issues, it was found that English touch typing skills exercises are an interesting learning method at the highest level ( = 4.75, S.D.= 0.45), followed by being appropriate for students at the highest level ( = 4.74, S.D. = 0.45). It can be seen that the English touch typing skill exercises can improve the students’ touch typing skills and make them feel better about typing. Including making use of the knowledge in studying and working in the future.
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