Academic Article Using Scoring Rubrics as a tool for Assessment in Student Learning

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รัตนาภรณ์ ทรงนภาวุฒิกุล


According to educational reform in measurement and evaluation of learning focused on studentcenteredlearning. The aim is to encourage the development of learning and advancements ofstudents, who would attain virtue, wisdom, as well as capacity to maintain Thailand’s competitive
position in the world community. Accordingly the students have actively built their own understandingand knowledge of the world by action learning in which the student performs an activity and thenstudies it in order to improve their performance and then obtain feedback by analyzing their actions
along with authentic assessment, the assessment of real conditions, which will be evaluated by a variety of methods and criteria or behaviors that consistent with the complicated skills or performance of the student. Scoring rubrics have become quite popular, many educators suggested that rubrics are easy to use with defined criteria and the descriptions or quality of the levels of performance under each which a level from excellent to poor, or very good to improving. A rubric is a coherent set of criteria for students' work that includes descriptions of levels of performance quality on the criteria that describes varying levels of quality, involving many continuous descriptions, for a specific assignment. However, designing an scoring rubric is hard because instructors should establish clear and detailed standards for performance for each component (think of the lowest, middle-range, and highest level of performance) and determined what the different levels of performance look like within each category of assessment. Rubrics are usually categorized by two different aspects of their composition (1) Holistic scoring rubrics and (2) Analytic scoring rubrics. Holistic rubrics describe the work by applying all the criteria at the same time and enabling an overall judgment about the quality of the work, not good for formative assessment. Analytic rubrics describe work on each criterion separately and give formative feedback to students but may actually take more time to score than holistic rubrics. Several benefits of using scoring rubrics in performance assessments have been proposed, such as guided consistency of assessing, made instructors' expectations very clear and transparent. If instructors are providing a rubric, share it with students before they complete the assignment. This will help them understand the performance standards because rubrics tell both instructor and student what is considered important and what to look for when assessing which also facilitate feedback and self-assessment that students should be developed than traditional forms of assessment. Moreover the rubrics can help support and promote instruction when instructors saw relative strengths and weaknesses. This will lead to achieving the goal of education.

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