The Effectiveness Of Environmental Management In The Local Administrative Organization : An Analysis Of Solid Waste Management In Omnoi Municipality Samutsakorn Province

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ปิยะธิดา อภัยภักดิ์
ชาติชาย นรเศรษฐาภรณ์


The objectives of the research aim to 1) study the factors of organizational management andeffectiveness of environmental management in the local administrative organization, 2) to study the factors which had the relationship with organizational management and effectiveness of environmental
management in the local administrative organization 3) to study the factors which result to the effectiveness of organizational management and effectiveness of environmental management in the local administrative organization and 4) to present the suggestions and guidelines to solve the
problems of organizational management and effectiveness of environmental management in the local administrative organization. The researcher used both quantitative research and qualitative research on this study to maximize the results. The population for the quantitative research was municipal officers, full-time employees, and employees according to the missions of Omnoi Municipality, Samutsakorn Province in total number of 249. The population of the qualitative research was the Mayor, the Deputy Mayor, the Municipal Clerk, the Chef of the Division of Public Health, and the Head of Cleaning Department in total number of 5.
The research results were found that, for the factors of organizational management and effectiveness, organizational structure was in the highest level, and the followed by the planning, and the least was directing. For the effectiveness, the product was in the highest level, followed by the
efficiency, and the least was the quality. For the product related to efficiency,the quality was in the highest level, followed by the output, and the least was the efficiency. The factors related to effectiveness on output were planning reporting,and directing or ordering. The factors related to
efficiency were planning and coordinating. The factors related to quality were planning,coordinating,directing or ordering,and technology.

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