Competitive Business Model for Inbound Logistics in Thailand Palm Oil Industry

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ปาณิษา เพชรพลอย
เรืองเดช เร่งเพียร
นพวรรณ วิเศษสินธุ์


The purpose of this article is 1) to study the inbound logistics system in the oil palm industry in Thailand and 2) to develop a competitive business model of the inbound logistics system in Thai oil palm industry. Research method is qualitative research. The data were collected by in-depth interviews with 3 group of key informants, consisting of 6 experts, 29 stakeholders and 5 MRICOP executives. The data analysis is used content analysis techniques.

In-depth interview, the 6 key informants in group 1 found that the inbound logistics system Thai palm oil industry is ineffective in managing FFB (Fresh fruit bunch) harvesting and relocation of FFB to the Palm Oil mill. High cost of FFB harvesting and low quality of FFB. The FFB production is insufficient to meet the requirement of the Palm oil mill. There is a lack of good cooperation between farmers and the palm oil mill. The researcher has applied a business model by definition of Johnson et al. (2008) to develop the inbound logistic business model included 1) The value proposition is a sufficient and mature ripe FFB 2) The key resource is palm oil plantation, ramp, palm oil mill 3) The key process is the practice of FFB harvesting and transporting and 4) The profit formula is the profit-maximizing management in inbound logistics in the oil palm industry.

In-depth interview Key informants in Group 2 was created the inbound logistics business model in Krabi Province to develop a business model of inbound logistics in Thai oil palm industry. It was found that this inbound logistics business model will provide a profit formula as the priority and included 2 more components is the Vision and the Oil Palm Policy Committee. Therefore, this business model has shown the supply chain linkages in the system to balance supply and demand in the supply chain as well. The application of strategy, to integrate the key resource management and key processes management, will lead to the development of higher FFB quality to the mill.

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