Investigative Procedure Evidence in Sexual Offence Case

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พรไพลิน สุทธิสวาท
วริยา ล้ำเลิศ


In the present circumstances of the crime of rape cases have developed severe and increasing gender of victims in rape cases. The more the victims. Rape victims in the case, would have been
affected physically and mentally. And when to cry officers Which is in the process of investigation of the officer's testimony, the victim asked the same question Rape victims testify in criminal cases in general, making the victim feel like a rape victim twice. (Revictimization).
Thailand is the protection of victims in sex offense under the Code of Criminal Procedure Article
133 bis, but provides coverage only if the victim is less than eighteen years of discussion and
testimony of the officers to be psychologists. Or social worker Together with the evidence in question, but to ask the victims to testify last eighteen years. Rape in the back are covered with a psychologist or social worker, together with the testimony of the officers in question. Although the victim in the rape case of gender when this happens, it is considered a victim of a mental weakness (Yulnerable victim) should be covered differently from typical victim of the crime.
And resolved to ask the testimony of the officers injured by a psychologist or social worker,
together with the injured party. For the sufferer uncomfortable in some of the questions asked officers testifying to the incident on the victim. For this reason, if the testimony of the officers whose actions caused the victim is affected even more. It makes a person feel confident and to prosecute offenders.

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