The Effects of Organizing Mathematics Learning Using Creative Problem Solving Process Togethep Wite Think–Talk-Write Technique on Mathematics Problem Solving Ability and Mathematics Communication of Eighth Grade Students

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มนต์วลี สิทธิประเสริฐ
ชมนาด เชื้อสุวรรณทวี


The purpose of this research were to compare the before and after problems solving ability and mathematics communication of eighth grade students learning using creative problem solving process together with Think-Talk-Write technique and comparison criteria. The subjects of this study were 31
in eighth grade students in the first semester of 2016 academic year from Takfawichaprasit School, Takfa, Nakhonsawan Province. They were selected by using cluster random sampling technique. The duration of the experiment was eighteen periods of fifty minutes. The One-Group Pretest-Posttest
Design was used for the study. The research instruments were mathematics using creative problem solving process together with Think-Talk-Write technique lesson plans, The mathematical problem solving ability test, mathematical writing communication ability test and mathematical speaking
communication observation form. The data were statistically analyzed by using for mean, Standard Deviation, t-test for dependent samples and t-test for one sample.

The findings were as follows: 1) The mathematical problem solving ability after being taught by using creative problem solving process together with Think-Talk-Write technique were higher than that before being taught at 0.01 level of significance. 2) The mathematical problem solving ability after being taught by using creative problem solving process together with Think-Talk-Write technique were significantly higher than 70 percent criterion at 0.01 level of significance with an average testing score 85.67 percentage. 3) The mathematical communication ability after being taught by using creative problem solving process together with Think-Talk-Write technique were higher than that before being taught at 0.01 level of significance. 4)
The mathematical communication ability after being taught by using creative problem solving process together with Think-Talk-Write technique were significantly higher than 70 percent criterion at 0.01 level of significance with an average testing score 82.88 percentage.

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