Quality Management of Products of the Community Development Office in Phetchaburi Province
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This research aimed to study (1) level of quality management of products of the community development office in Phetchaburi province (2) level factors affecting of quality management of products of the community development office in Phetchaburi province (3) the causal relationships between factors affecting of quality management of products quality management of products of the community development office in Phetchaburi province. The samples were consisted of 130 Tambon OTOP Operators (OTOP) from 8 districts in Phetchaburi Province. Descriptive Statistics were percentage, mean, S.D. Inferential Statistics were chi-square test and multiple regression analysis.
The results of the research could be conclude that;(1)the quality management of products of the community development office in Phetchaburi province was at high level. The rage over quality management of products were product planning, product inspection, product implementation and product improvement (2) there was at high level on factors affecting of quality management of products of the community development office in Phetchaburi province. The rage over factors affecting of quality management of products were personnel, knowledge, Integration, innovation and leadership. Moreover, the study found that factors affecting of quality management of products had causal relationships with quality management of products of the community development office in Phetchaburi province at 0.001 level of significant.TheseFactors affecting of quality management of products could be leadership, personnel, innovation and integration(3) Personal factors wasrelated to quality management of products of the community development office in Phetchaburi provinceis the educational level was statistically significant at 0.01 on the other hand, it was found that educational were correlated with quality management of products of the community development office in Phetchaburi province inspection statistically significant at 0.01.
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