A Comparison of Knowledge Management and Quality of Working Life Management Models Affecting Performance Efficiency of Personnel in Industrial Sector to Support the EEC

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พิพรรธน์ พิเชฐศิรประภา
ชุติมา นุตยะสกุล


This research had the following objectives:  (1) To study the comparison of the knowledge management model affecting the performance efficiency of personnel in industrial sector to support the EEC; (2) To study the comparison of the quality of working life model affecting the performance efficiency of personnel in industrial sector to support the EEC; and (3) To study the relationship of the comparison of the knowledge management and the quality of working life models affecting the performance efficiency of personnel in industrial sector to support the EEC.   The sample groups consisted of 200 samples from electrical appliance industry and 200 samples from auto-parts production industry.   The research tools used was a questionnaire analyzed by percentage, average, standard deviation, and multiple linear regression analysis by a statistical package.

The research results found that:  1. On knowledge management affecting performance efficiency, both electrical appliance industrial sector and auto-parts production industrial sector were rated at a high level.  The multiple linear regression statistical analysis found that the electrical appliance industrial sector was rated at r=0.571, and the auto-parts production industrial sector was rated at r= 0.695, pointing in the same direction with emphasis on knowledge searching, information access, and management of knowledge up to standard set by the organization; 2. On the management of the quality of working life affecting performance efficiency, the auto-parts production industrial sector was rated at a high level.  The multiple linear regression statistical analysis found that the electrical appliance industrial sector was rated at r=639, and the auto-parts production industrial sector was rated at r=0.787, pointing in the same direction with emphasis on sufficient and fair compensation, work safety, work personality development, and sustainability and advance to build work motivation for personnel; and 3. For the relationship of knowledge management and quality of working life management affecting performance efficiency, the electrical appliance industrial sector and the auto-parts production industrial sector headed the same direction which resulted in work quality, work quantity, performance time, work reliability, and initiative creativity needed by the organization to develop in its personnel’s working expertise and in turns putting their creativity into organization’s sustainable development.

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