Solid Waste Management of Nongkapu Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Banlad District, Phetchaburi Province, in Accordance with 3R Principle

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เอกรัตน์ เลิศอาวาส
นิตยา สินเธาว์


       This research aimed to (1) study the level of Solid waste management of Nongkapu Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Banlad District, Phetchaburi Province, in Accordance with 3R Principle. (2) study the factors of Solid waste management of Nongkapu Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Banlad District, Phetchaburi Province, in Accordance with 3R Principle. (3) study the causal relationship between solid waste management factors and solid waste management of Nongkapu Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Banlad District, Phetchaburi Province, in Accordance with 3R Principle. The Sample in the study were 130 households in Nongkapu Subdistrict. The data were analyzed by means of descriptive statistics such as percentage, mean, standard deviation. As for the inferential statistics Chi-square and Multiple regression analysis were performed.

       The results of the study found that (1) The management of solid waste management factors of Nongkapu Subdistrict administrative organization, Banlad District, Phetchaburi Province was at high level on average sorting as cognition, community leaders, behavior, Information perception and participation in the solid waste,
(2) The management of solid waste management of Nongkapu Subdistrict administrative organization, Banlad District, Phetchaburi Province, in accordance with 3R principle, showed high level on average sorting as reduce, recycle, and reuse, 3) Solid waste management had statistically causal relationship with solid waste management of Nongkapu Subdistrict administrative organization, Banlad District, Phetchaburi Province, in Accordance with 3R Principle at the .05 level.

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