Employee Retention of Villa Market JP Co., Ltd.

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สุนิศา อุดมโชค
อิงอร ตั้นพันธ์


The purposes of this study were to determine the factors of retaining employees and level of employee satisfaction. This was a quantitative research using questionnaire as a tool to collect data concerning employees’ behavior patterns and the comparison between factors of retaining employees and job satisfaction. The data was analyzed by both descriptive and inferential statistics, namely percentage, mean, standard deviation, t - test, one - way ANOVA, and Multiple regression analysis.

       The results of the study showed that most of respondents were female, average aged 26 - 35 years old, high school or vocational diploma holders, were single, lived in rental apartment, worked at operational level position, and earned monthly income of 10,000 - 20,000 baht. The average overall picture of opinions on factors of retaining employees and job satisfaction were at a medium level. The different personal patterns, such as marital status, position, and average income Be careful in interpreting the statistical result job performance at statistically significant 0.05 level. The factors of retaining employees correlated with job satisfied at Villa market JP employees at high level of the opinions in the same direction which consisted of factors of Retaining employees, supervisor relationship, collaboration and responsible of employees, surrounding environment and cultures, and career advance.

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