The Development of Tourism Route for Connecting Tourist Attraction in Army Land: A case study of the Army Land in Lopburi Province

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Chanistha Jaipeng


       Research on “The Development of Tourism Route for Connecting Tourist Attraction in Military Tourism Area:  A case study of the Military Tourism Area in Lopburi Province” aims to study and develop tourism routes of the Military Tourism Area in Lopburi Province. The research methodology is a qualitative research in which data is collected from interviewees and surveying the tourism routes. The Purposive sampling method is used to determine samples that are the group of 120 persons relating to the tourism. Research tools are the interview form and the field records.

               The research found that Military Tourism Area of the Special Warfare Command, the Royal Thai Army Aviation Center and the Artillery Center have tourism potential in Military Tourism Area due to diversity of conducive tourism resources along with personnel with expertise. Moreover, the tourist attraction of Military Tourism Area in Lopburi Province showed that it can be arranged more versatile program for Military Tourism Area and can be presented tourism route for connecting tourist attraction of the Military Tourism Area in Lopburi. There are 3 tourism routes from the research as follows: (1) the route of Special Warfare Command - Royal Thai Army Aviation Center - Artillery Center; (2) the route of Royal Thai Army Aviation Center - Artillery Center - Special Warfare Command; and (3) the route of Artillery Center – Royal Thai Army Aviation - Special Warfare Command

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