The Development of Online Multimedia Courseware with Interactive Learning for Strengthen the Competency at Irregular Verb Conjugation for Matthayomsuksa 3 in Navamindrajudis Krungtepmahanakorn School

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Pimonrut Hanyuth
Nattaphon Rampai
Sunchai Pattanasith


The purpose of this research were to 1) development of online multimedia courseware with interactive learning for strengthen the competency at irregular verb conjugation for matthayomsuksa 3 in navamindrajudis krungtepmahanakorn school to be quality, 2) compare learning achievement before and after use of online multimedia courseware with interactive learning for strengthen the competency at irregular verb conjugation and 3) study the students' satisfaction with online multimedia courseware with interactive learning for strengthen the competency at irregular verb conjugation for Mathayom Suksa 3, Navamindarajudis Krungthepmahanakhon school. The samples were Mathayom Suksa 3, Navamindarajudis Krungthepmahanakhon school 200 people. The tools applied in this research consisted of online multimedia courseware, Test before and after study and the satisfaction questionnaire for the online multimedia lessons. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation and t-test

        The research results revealed that (1) results of online multimedia courseware with interactive learning for strengthen the competency at irregular verb conjugation for matthayomsuksa 3 in navamindrajudis krungtepmahanakorn school at a very good level (4.82), (2)  the comparison result of post-test was significantly higher than before studying at the .05 level, which was in accordance with the research hypothesis and
(3) the satisfaction of student to online multimedia courseware had an average at a good level (3.74).

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