The Opinion About Leadership for The 21st Century of Teacher Belong to Under Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, Krungtepklang Group

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จิดาภา ศรีดาจันทร์
Supawadee Lapcharoen


        The objectives of this research were to investigate and compare the opinion about Leadership for the 21st Century of teacher belong to under Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, Krungtepklang Central Group according to level of education and teaching experience. A sample was selected from the teacher belong to the school under Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, Krungtepklang Group in 2020 included as a sample. This study specify sample size by uses the tables of Cohen (Cohen, Manion and Morrison, 2011, page. 147). A sample was selected using Stratified Random Sampling method. Then random from each rank that stature equally. The samples of 285 teachers. The research instrument was a set of questionnaire 5 rating scale. The hypotheses were tested by Mean, Standard deviation, T-test and descriptive One-Way Analysis

        The results were as follows: 1) The opinion about Leadership for the 21st Century of teacher belong to under Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, Krungtepklang Group whole was a high level. When ranking by the mean score from the highest to lowest, there were using innovation technology digital, human relations, a visionary leader. 2) The teacher that different level of education have an opinion about Leadership for the 21st Century whole and each was different at the statistical .05 By the way the teacher that higher bachelor’s degree have many opinions more than the teacher that have bachelor’s degree. 3) The teacher that have different experience have an opinion about Leadership for the 21st Century whole and each was different at the statistical .05  By the teacher that have experience in work 5-10 years and the teacher that have experience higher than 10 years have an opinions about communication skills , creative skills, innovation technology digital skills, human relations skills and, a visionary leader  skills  more than the teacher have experience 5 years.  

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