The Buddhist Learning Management Model of Active Learning of Watmaekadnoi School San Sai District Chiang Mai Province
Model, Active learning, The principle of 4Abstract
The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the context of Buddhist learning management 2) to determine the efficiency of the Active Learning Management Model within Buddhist learning management, 3) to compare the learning achievement of grade 6 students at Watmaekadnoi School using the Buddhist learning management model of active learning. The sample consisted of 94 grade 6 students from Watmaekadnoi School in the 2020 academic year, comprising 47 male students and 47 female students.
The results of this research found that:
- The context of Buddhist learning management at Watmaekadnoi School in San Sai District, Chiang Mai Province, is well-prepared with suitable buildings and premises. The school administrators recognize the importance of instilling moral and ethical values in students and have received cooperation from teachers and parents in administering various activities to promote moral and ethical development. As a result, the students exhibit good behavior, manners, appropriate dress, respect for teachers and elders, willingness to learn, and cooperation in activities. They also demonstrate the ability to express opinions and practice thriftiness.
- The efficiency of the learning management plan for grade 6 students using the Active Learning management model in the Buddhist context scored 80.69 out of 83.33, which surpassed the set criteria of 80/80.
- The mean scores of students' learning achievement after implementing the Buddhist learning management model were significantly higher than those before learning, with a significant difference at the 0.05 level.
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