A Model of New Normal Learning Management in Schools Under Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area Office 2


  • Surarak Khong-In Educational Administration, Sripatum University Khonkaen
  • Cherdsak Srisangachai Educational Administration, Sripatum University Khonkaen


Model, Learning management, New normal in schools


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the current conditions, the needs of a model 2) to develop a model 3) to evaluate the development of a model of new normal learning management in schools under Khon Kaen primary educational service area office 2. The samples were 302 teachers in schools under Khon Kaen primary educational service area office 2, in the 2023 academic Year. by a Simple random sampling. The research instrument was a current condition questionnaire. Desired conditions: interview form, focus group discussion form, and an assessment of the suitability and feasibility of the approach Statistics used in the research include frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and the index of essential needs.

The results of this research found that:

  1. Currently the needs of new normal learning management in schools under Khon Kaen primary educational service area office 2 are moderate. Desirable conditions for the whole, it was found that all elements were the highest in order of average.
  2. Order of need for new normal learning management in schools under Khon Kaen primary educational service area office 2. Order of need from too little as follows: 1) new resource management based on new priorities 2) curriculum management 3) learning management 4) teacher development 5) in evaluation components in the new normal learning 6) listen to the feedback from teachers, parents, students, and the community.
  3. The model of New Normal Learning Management in Schools under Khon Kaen Primary educational service office 2, composed of four elements: 1) principles and concepts 2) the purpose of the model 3) methods 4) assessment guidelines.
  4. The overall evaluation of suitability, feasibility, and effectiveness is at the highest level.


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How to Cite

Khong-In, S., & Srisangachai, C. (2024). A Model of New Normal Learning Management in Schools Under Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. Academic Journal of MBU Lanna, 13(2), 87–98. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/mbulncjournal/article/view/272719



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