ผลการจัดการเรียนรู้แบบสืบเสาะและเทคนิคทีจีทีที่มีต่อผลสัมฤทธิ์ ทางการเรียนวิทยาศาสตร์และความสามารถในการทำงานกลุ่ม ของนักเรียนชั้นประถมศึกษาปีที่ 5/1 โรงเรียนเทศบาล 4 (เพาะชำ) -

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เสาวภา นภาสกุล
มณเทียร ชมดอกไม้
ไพศาล หวังพานิช


The purposes of this research were (1) to compare the scientific learning achievement of Grade 5 (Prathomsuksa 5/1) students before and after the class by applying the inquiry process with TGT technique, (2) to compare the scientific learning achievement of Grade 5 (Prathomsuksa 5/1) students after the class by applying the inquiry process with TGT technique with 70 percent criterion, (3) to study the ability to work in a team of Grade 5 (Prathomsuksa 5/1) students after the class by applying the inquiry process with TGT technique. The samples were 33 of the students from a total of 3 classrooms, who studied in Grade 5 (Prathomsuksa 5/1) of 2018 at Tedsaban 4 (Phaochum), Mueang, Nakhon Ratchasima by using cluster random. The experimental tools used in this research were the inquiry process with TGT technique plan evaluated by the rating scale based on the Likert method with averages of 3.51 and above. The scientific learning achievement test was evaluated with difficulty between 0.40-0.80 and the power rating between 0.25-0.88 obtaining the confidence value of 0.74 by using Kuder-Richardson's KR.20. The observation methods to find out group work ability form were evaluated by using t-test. It was found that the discrimination power was between 0.16-0.21 and the whole confidence value was equal to 0.997. The statistical methods used to analyze the data were percentage, mean, standard deviation and t-test (Dependent Group and One-Sample). The findings revealed that:

  1. The scientific learning achievement obtaining from post-test of Grade 5 (Prathomsuksa 5/1) students after the instruction of applying the inquiry process with TGT technique was that the average score was significantly higher than the pre-test at the level of .05.

  2. The scientific learning achievement obtaining from post-test of Grade 5 (Prathomsuksa 5/1) students after the instruction of applying the inquiry process with TGT technique was that the average score was higher than 70 percent.

  3. The ability to work in a team of Grade 5 (Prathomsuksa 5/1) students after the class by applying the inquiry process with TGT technique was that the average was 2.34 scores, of 3 scores which was at a high level.

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