Eco-Agriculture Tourism Management by the Community Network in Chomphu District, Noen Maprang, Phitsanulok


  • Wichitra Chamlongrath คณะวิทยาการจัดการ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏพิบูลสงคราม
  • Boonsuep Peakon Community researcher in Chomphu District, Noen Maprang, Phitsanulok


Management, Eco-Agriculture Tourism, Chomphu Community Network


This research studied about eco-agriculture tourism management by Chomphu community network, Noen Maprang district, Phitsanulok, the objectives of this research were 1) to develop products of travel from eco-agricultural resources of Chomphu community and 2) to develop the performance in eco-agriculture tourism management by Chomphu. This research was conducted with community-based research (CBR) process and emphasized on the participation of researcher team, working with farmer networks and related parties including the public private sectors, public sectors and academicians. The research area was tourist attractions in Chomphu, Noen Maprang district, Phitsanulok. The research instruments were questionnaires, observation record form and focus group for collecting data. The data was analyzed by using frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation, and using content analysis for qualitative data.

The results showed that the community researcher team can develop tourism products from the eco-agricultural resources of Chomphu community, Noen Maprang district, Phitsanulok. It was included in 3 products: tourism product: "Silawaree of Chomphu in Thung Salaeng Luang", "Non Son" In the middle of Thung Salaeng Luang and "Top View of Chomphu-history of Rak Thai". From studying behaviors and needs of tourists, we can make the difference by designing products based on the needs of tourists and make a market for communication and development of eco-agriculture tourism management performance in Chomphu community. The community business plan was form tour studying, management training, the researchers were be able to allocate duties and responsibilities and benefits thoroughly. Money allocation was based on the amount of time dedicated to tourism activities fairly and using system management in trip of "Tieaw Thai Pai Chomphu" of tourism club by the community that was involved in the management. Establishing an eco-agriculture tourism cooperation network with farmer networks was related public sectors, private sectors and academicians. Especially, Thung Salaeng Luang National Park which is the main area in tourism and mass media and entrepreneur were a network of collaboration to develop the area of Chomphu into a popular tourist destination.


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