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Asst.Prof. Chamroen Thanandorn
Albert Lisec


This study applies sufficiency economic philosophy (SEP) thinking with two Chiang Rai local folktales for developing a teaching model for lower secondary schools in Chiang Rai Province. The three objectives include, 1) developing appropriate lesson plan model for teaching bilingual (Thai and English) reading and drama using two local folktales, 2) measuring sufficiency thinking competence through reading and drama using two local folktales and 3) measuring teacher/student satisfaction of developed learning material and strategies. The local indigenous content includes the research results of Asst. Prof. Chamroen Thanandorn, Legend of Nong Luang and the research of Mr. Albert Lisec, Legend of Buffalo Horn Hill. The research population involves the 70 M-2 lower secondary school students and 6 teachers from two Chiang Rai secondary schools. Data is analyzed using achievement percentage scores for SEP critical thinking competence with 80% benchmark for passing and for analyzing content/activities satisfaction, 70 students and 6 teachers answered questionnaire using Likert 5 means score. The results show that the teachers and students were satisfied the most with materials and learning activities as a whole at gif.latex?\mu=4.77. 65 students out of 70 got full achievement test score which equals to 92.86 percent. In light of these findings, the research gave strong justification for supplementing and improving classroom curriculum by using local folktales in conjunction with communicative reading activities, bilingual approaches, dramatization, and SEP critical thinking exercises. Therefore, the findings of this research should prove useful for secondary school administrators, teachers and students.

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How to Cite
Asst.Prof. Chamroen Thanandorn, & Albert Lisec. (2023). LEARNING SUFFICIENCY THINKING THROUGH LOCAL FOLKTALES USING BILINGUAL READING AND DRAMA STRATEGIES FOR LOWER-SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN CHIANG RAI PROVINCE. Fa Nuea Journal, 10(1), 85–103. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/FaNJ/article/view/265435
Research Article


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