Publication Ethics

The Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, places great importance on maintaining ethical standards in the publication and dissemination of articles. Therefore, it requires all parties involved to strictly adhere to the principles and standards of publication ethics as follows:

Ethics of Editors and the Editorial Board

1. Thoroughly evaluate articles according to established and credible research regulations, aiming to genuinely benefit the readers.
2. Base article evaluations on academic reasoning and ensure no bias towards the authors.
3. Ensure no direct or indirect benefits to the authors and/or reviewers.
4. Use reliable plagiarism detection software and reject articles found to have plagiarized or exceeded the allowable level of similarity.
5. Do not censor, alter, or interfere with the information exchanged between qualified individuals and authors.
6. Maintain the quality and academic standards of published articles and regularly improve the journal.
7. Adhere rigorously to the processes and procedures of the journal.
8. Do not disclose information between authors and reviewers to any unrelated parties during the review process.
9. Foster freedom of expression and opinion.
10. Develop the journal in accordance with the policies and objectives of the Thai Journal Citation Index Center.
11. Review original articles that have undergone evaluation by qualified individuals in the respective field.
12. Facilitate peer review by qualified individuals in the relevant field to ensure quality and reliability of articles.
13. Communicate with authors regarding evaluation results, revisions, and improvements to articles, as well as with reviewers to provide additional information or address questions.
14. Establish the direction and policies of the journal, including the core content for each issue.
15. Promote journal dissemination widely, including collaboration with databases and libraries to increase journal accessibility.

Ethics of Peer Reviewers

1. Evaluate articles without bias, disregarding personal relationships with the authors or their affiliated institutions.
2. Maintain the confidentiality of assigned articles, refraining from disclosing or discussing the content with unrelated individuals.
3. Provide honest and responsible evaluations without causing misunderstandings or distorting information.
4. Promptly inform the editors if ethical issues such as plagiarism or research misconduct are detected.
5. Disclose any conflicting interests with the authors or the content of the article and refrain from evaluating such articles.
6. Offer constructive and helpful suggestions to aid authors in improving their articles.
7. Possess expertise and knowledge in the relevant field and evaluate articles according to accepted academic standards.
8. Complete article evaluations within the specified timeframe; if unable to do so, inform the editors in advance.
9. Recommend relevant research works that may have been overlooked by the authors and verify inappropriate or missing references.

Ethics of Authors

1. Authors must adhere to ethical principles in research, such as obtaining consent from research participants, maintaining data confidentiality, and following relevant ethical standards.
2. Authors must conduct and present research honestly, without distorting data or research findings.
3. Authors must not simultaneously submit the same article to multiple journals for publication or republish previously published articles in other journals without permission.
4. Authors must not appropriate others' work as their own without permission and must avoid all forms of plagiarism.
5. Authors must be socially and academically responsible by presenting useful and valuable information that contributes to knowledge development in the relevant field.
6. If errors or inaccuracies are discovered in published articles, authors must promptly notify the editors and take corrective action.
7. Authors must cite sources and relevant research accurately and completely, giving proper credit to others and not neglecting to acknowledge contributions.
8. Authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may affect research or article publication.
9. Authors must appropriately credit individuals who contributed to the research and writing process, including listing co-authors in the article.