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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • 1. This article has not been previously published elsewhere, and is not under consideration for publication by any other journal. Copyright infringement is the responsibility of the submitting author directly.
  • 2. This article has been reviewed by native English speakers.
  • 3. The submission file of this article is in both Microsoft Word and PDF formats.
  • 4. Accepting original submissions of both academic and research articles in both English and Thai languages only.
  • 5. Manuscripts must undergo screening by qualified individuals and receive approval from the journal's editorial board.
  • 6. Articles that have been accepted for publication are considered the copyright of the journal.
  • 7. Please read the aims and scope of the journal to understand the overview and assess whether your manuscript is suitable for this journal.
  • 8. This article falls within the fields of Education, Political Science, Business Administration, Linguistics, Social Development, and Social Sciences Interdisciplinary.
  • 9. The journal will charge an Article Processing Charge (APC) of 5,000 Baht per article after the editorial board has reviewed and approved sending it to three qualified peer reviewers. Payment must be made before sending it to the reviewers. If the article does not pass the peer review process, the editorial board cannot refund the fee under any circumstances.
  • 10. I accept the rejection of the manuscript if I do not follow all submission preparation checklist.
  • 11. Communication regarding the submission process will primarily be conducted through the online journal system. The journal will contact and notify you through the discussion forum or the email address you provided upon system registration for receiving and sending information through the journal system. Therefore, please check your email inbox to ensure that you have received emails from the journal. If you do not receive any emails after submitting this manuscript (sometimes they may end up in spam mail), please contact us at

Author Guidelines

Preparation of the manuscript

I recommend authors to download the Template (Research Article) or Template (Academic Article) for the Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Phibulsongkram Rajabhat University.

1. The article length should not exceed 15 pages of B5 size paper (JIS), printed on one side (including figures, tables, and references). The margins for printing should be 2.54 centimeters at the top, 1 centimeter at the bottom, 2 centimeters on the left, and 2 centimeters on the right.
2. The font style should be printed only in TH SarabunPSK.
3. The title of the article in Thai and English should be in font size 18 pt. (bold), centered on the page.
4. The author names in Thai and English should be in font size 14 pt. (regular), aligned to the right.
5. The affiliations or university names in Thai and English, as well as Corresponding Author, E-mail:, should be in font size 12 pt. (regular), aligned to the left.
6. Headings including Abstract, Introduction, Objectives, Research Methods, Results, Conclusion and Discussion, Recommendations, and References should be in font size 16 pt. (bold), aligned to the left, without numbering.
7. Commas (,), colons (:), and semicolons (;) should be placed immediately after the preceding word and followed by one space before the next text, for example:
          Bangkok: Chulalongkorn University.
          (Wiwitsiri, 2527; Supaphon, 2527)
8. Figure captions should be in font size 14 pt. (bold), placed centered beneath the figure on the page, for example:       
          Figure 1: Conceptual framework of the research
9. Thai references translated into English must have the term '(in Thai)' added to the end of each reference.

Components of the article 

1. Article Title (in Thai and English)
2. Author Names and Affiliations (in Thai and English)
3. Abstract: Not exceeding 250 words, and Keywords: 3-5 words (in Thai and English)
4. Content
    4.1 Research Article: Should present systematic investigation results, findings, and knowledge obtained from the research process. It should include the following components (headings or components may vary):
          4.1.1 Introduction: Covering the significance and background of the research problem.
          4.1.2 Research Objectives.
          4.1.3 Research Methodology: Presenting details about the research design, population/sample, participants, research instruments, data collection, and data analysis.
          4.1.4 Results.
          4.1.5 Discussion and Conclusions.
          4.1.6 Recommendations.
     4.2 Academic Article: Should clearly define the issues to be explained or analyzed, with a clear analysis of the issues to be presented based on academic principles. It should involve a literature review to support the analysis until the conclusions can be drawn. It may involve synthesizing knowledge from various sources to analyze systematically, with the author clearly expressing their academic perspectives. The content should be logically structured, with appropriate content sequencing and conclusions for clear reader understanding.
          4.2.1 Introduction: The rationale and background or justification, or the significance of the topic being written about. The objectives should clarify what readers can expect to learn from the article. Definitions or various terms that the author deems necessary to specify for the benefit of the readers should be included.
          4.2.2 Body: Organizing the content substance, arranging the content, analysis, critique, language usage, and presentation methods.
          4.2.3 Conclusions: A good academic article should summarize the key points of the article, which may be done in a condensed form by selecting and compiling the main points of the article into a short summary at the end of the article.

Writing References

The documents used for reference should come from sources that are clearly published, such as journals, books, or the internet. The author is responsible for the accuracy of all references. When writing references, use the format specified by The American Psychological Association (APA, 6th Edition). Follow the attached link. 

Presentation of tables and images

The table headings should start at the top left corner of the table in the order of the numbers shown in the original. The presented table should cover all content details without the need to refer back to the text or other tables. Once the writer has presented the information in a table or image, they should avoid repeating the information in the text. Table names should be concise and reflect the information presented without redundancy in the subheadings of the table. Subheadings of the table should be brief and to the point. Tables presented usually contain numerical data for comparison or relationships between data. The data presented in the table should be consistent with the text content. Avoid using unnecessary data in the table; abbreviations can be used in the table but should be explained unless they are standard terms. Tables created do not need gridlines but only horizontal lines. The presented table should be suitable for B5 paper size, for example.

The writer must present images with a minimum resolution of 600 dpi for sharpness and clarity. The image files should be in *.jpg or *.tif format, along with specifying the image label numbers. Complete and comprehensible data details should be provided without the need to refer back to the text. The sequence of each image should correspond to the content in the original, and all images should be of the same size. Image names should start at the center. for example.

Payment of Publication Fees

The journal will charge an Article Processing Charge (APC) of 5,000 baht per article after the editorial board of the journal has reviewed and approved the selection of 3 qualified Peer Reviewers. Payment must be made before sending the manuscript to the Peer Reviewers. If your article does not pass the peer review process, the editorial board cannot refund the money under any circumstances.

Privacy Statement

The name and email are only used in the ThaiJO system