Perceived Behavior Public Relations Media about Democracy and Citizenship Principles in Ban Noi Sum Khi lek Sub-district, Noen Maprang District, Phitsanulok Province


  • Decha Santhong Program in Applied Management, Faculty of Management Science, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University
  • Usanee Sengpanit Faculty of Management Science, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University
  • Donchanok Buanoi Faculty of Management Science, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University


Recognition, Public relations media, Democratic principles, Principles of good citizens


This research aims to study behavior of receiving public relations media about democracy and principles as a good citizen, Study the media relations on democratic principles and democratic citizenship in 5 categories. and 3. Study the perceptions of citizens per course by course, good citizenship and democratic trajectory. A questionnaire was used to collect data from a sample of 377 people in 12 villages in Ban Noi Sum Khilek Sub-district, Noen Maprang District. Data were analyzed through statistics including percentage,
mean, standard deviation, t-test and F-test. The research found that most of the respondents were females, 51 - 55 years, graduated with below a bachelor’s degree, worked as
employees, earned monthly income of below 10,000 baht, had Live in village no. 4, Ban Noi Sum Khilek Sub-district. The most commonly source of information and content exposure and perception was personnel. The result of the hypothesis was found Personal factors in terms of gender, age, education, occupation, different Recognize personal media, radio, posters and signs. Leaflets and flyers Broadcast tower and sound track not different The average income (per month) is different. Recognize personal media, news distribution tower and The sound on the line is no different. But recognize radio media Posters and signs Leaflets and flyers different and the domicile (village) is different There are 5 types of public relations media.had different information and content perception with a statistical significance level of .05. And found that personal factors in terms of sex, age, education, occupation, average income (per month) are different, perception from democratic subjects according to the Good Samaritan Program, 3 democratic ways, not different. Different domiciles (villages) Recognize content from 3 different subjects with statistical significance at .05.


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How to Cite

Santhong, D., Sengpanit, U., & Buanoi, D. (2019). Perceived Behavior Public Relations Media about Democracy and Citizenship Principles in Ban Noi Sum Khi lek Sub-district, Noen Maprang District, Phitsanulok Province. Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, 13(2), 604–618. Retrieved from



Research Article