The Academic Management Model for Educational Opportunity Expansion Schools


  • Uthai Thaigun Doctor of Philosophy Program in Research and Development in Education, Faculty of Education, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University
  • Sukkaew Comesorn Faculty of Education, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University
  • Kriangsak Suwannawaj Phitsanulok Provincial Education Office


Management Model, The Academic, Educational Opportunity Expansion Schools


The purposes of this study were 1) to examine the academic management of educational opportunity expansion schools, 2) to establish and measure the quality of the academic management of educational opportunity expansion schools by connoisseurship, 3) to try out the academic management model for educational opportunity expansion schools, and 4) to evaluate the academic management model for educational opportunity expansion schools. The study had 4 steps: Step 1: Studying the state of the academic management; the samples were administrators and teachers in educational opportunity expansion schools using the questionnaire and interview. The data were analyzed using by Confirmatory Factor Analysis : CFA, mean and standard deviation. Step 2 Drafting model and examining the drafting of the academic management of educational opportunity expansion schools by connoisseurship. Step 3 Try out model. Step 4 Evaluate performance of model by using satisfaction survey. The data were analyzed by using mean and standard deviation. 

The results of the study were as follows:

  1. There were 17 elements for the academic management of educational opportunity expansion schools according to the administrators and teachers who teach those schools.
  2. The academic management models of educational opportunity expansion schools were as follows: 1) The Academic management structures were the elements and responsibility of personnel. 2) The academic burden divided into 3 workgroups were as follows: main tasks, supporting tasks and promoting tasks. 3) Management process. 4) Success factors by means of using teaching methodology that emphasizes developing vocational skill for students.
  3. Teachers and educational personnel were satisfied with academic performance in terms of the academic management model for educational opportunity expansion schools at the highest level, and secondary students in grade 7-9 were overall satisfied with the academic works from the academic management model for educational opportunity expansion schools at the highest level.
  4. The evaluation results were at the highest level of the academic management model for educational opportunity expansion schools on Accuracy, Propriety, Feasibility and Utility. And the academic management were useful to apply for academic management approach for educational opportunity expansion schools at the highest level.


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How to Cite

Thaigun, U., Comesorn, S., & Suwannawaj, K. (2018). The Academic Management Model for Educational Opportunity Expansion Schools. Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, 13(1), 88–104. Retrieved from



Research Article