Studying the Approach for Enhancing Teaching Practice in Educational Institute (an Internship) in Faculty of education, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University


  • Sukkaew Comesorn Program in Educational Research and Evaluation, Faculty of Education, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University
  • Sawanee Sermsuk Program in Educational Research and Evaluation, Faculty of Education, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University


State of teaching practice, Problems in teaching practice, Approach for enhancing teaching practice


The purpose of this research were to 1) Study and compare the state of teaching practice in educational institute (an Internship) by pre-service teacher students by subjects, schools size, the types of the schools. 2) Study the approach for enhancing teaching practice in educational institute (an Internship) by pre-service teacher students. The sample consists of 1) The samples of this study were 301 fifth-year Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University in the faculty of Education taking a teaching internship in the year 2015. 2) School director or Deputy Director for Academic Affairs and mentors from the school of teacher experience network of the faculty of education Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University within Sukhothai and Phitsanulok province by selecting 1 representative for each school. The research instrument were 2 questionnaires. 1) The questionnaire about state of professional training experience in the course set "teaching practice in schools (Internship)" for students in the Faculty of Education. The qualities of the questionnaire were 1) Content Validity with the index of concordance (IOC) between 0.60 and 1.00, 2) Reliability with the rate of the reliability at 0.97 2) The questionnaire about the problems and guidelines for the promotion of teacher professional experience in the course set "teaching practice in schools (Internship)" for the school director or the deputy director of academic in the school network of professional experience teachers. The qualities of the questionnaire were 1) Content Validity with the index of concordance (IOC) between 0.60 and 1.00, 2) Reliability with the rate of the reliability at 0.92. The data analysis is were analyzed by using a computer program with mean, standard deviation (SD). The statistics used to test the hypothesis were t-test and F-test. The research findings were as follow: 1) the state of practice of of teaching practice was at a high level. and when classified by school size,  school type, including the major of graduate of  the teacher assistants showed  on the whole no difference in all the aspects in the level of the practice of the procedures of the teaching professional internship with the statistical significance at 0.05. 2) As for the problems and approach for enhancing teaching practice in educational institute, it was found that, overall, students had problems in performing their work at a moderate level, with the highest mean on the problems related to the analysis of learning outcomes for learning development. Which the promotion guidelines are consistent with the objectives of the teaching practice in schools. Most of the development guidelines focus on knowledge development. Followed by techniques and attribute, respectively. There are 4 ways to promote the form 1) Training 2) Providing learning resources 3) Promoting exchange of knowledge and 4) Supervision and monitoring closely.


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How to Cite

Comesorn, S. ., & Sermsuk, S. . (2020). Studying the Approach for Enhancing Teaching Practice in Educational Institute (an Internship) in Faculty of education, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University. Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, 14(2), 489–504. Retrieved from



Research Article