Effects of the Organizational Commitment and Job Motivation as Mediated Variables Between Perceived Organizational Support and Job Performance of Petrol Station Staff Located at Om Yai Branch, Sampran, Nakhon Pathom Province


  • Tawanchay Phoruxsa Program in Business Administration , Graduate School, Southeast Asia University
  • Thanyanan Boonyoo Program in Business Administration , Graduate School, Southeast Asia University


Perceived Organization Support, Organizational Commitment, Job Motivation, Job Performance


This study aimed to investigate: (1) levels of perceived organizational support, organizational commitment, job motivation, and job performance; (2) organizational commitment as a mediated variable between perceived organizational support and job performance; and (3) job motivation as a mediated variable between perceived organizational support and job performance of the petrol station staff located at Om Yai branch in Sampran, Nakhon Pathom province. Samples in this study were 100 petrol station staff at Om Yai branch in Sampran, Nakhon Pathom province. A research instrument used in this study was a questionnaire, statistically analyzed by percentage, means, standard deviation, and structural equation model (SEM) analysis. Results in the study showed that: (1) levels of perceived organizational support, organizational commitment, job motivation, and job performance of Petrol station staff located in Om Yai branch in Sampran, Nakhon Pathom province were overall averaged at a high level, ranging at 3.62, 3.99, 3.91, and 3.73 respectively; whereas, the standard deviation of these aforementioned variables were averaged at 0.817, 0.741, 0.721, and 0.764 respectively; (2) the coefficient scales of Boot LLCI of the organizational commitment as a mediated variables of perceived organizational support and job performance were at 0.245 and the coefficient scales of Boot ULCI were at 0.588; and (3) the coefficient scales of Boot LLCI of the job motivation as a mediated variable of perceived organizational support and job performance of petrol station staff located in Om Yai branch in Sampran, Nakhon Pathom province were at 0.329 and the coefficient scales of Boot ULCI were at 0.705. Thus, this study ascertained that the perceived organizational support of the systematic organization could promote organizational commitment. Meanwhile, the organizational commitment could contribute positive attitude and job motivation at work that could promote advantages and increase staff’s job performance further.


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How to Cite

Phoruxsa, T. ., & Boonyoo, T. . (2020). Effects of the Organizational Commitment and Job Motivation as Mediated Variables Between Perceived Organizational Support and Job Performance of Petrol Station Staff Located at Om Yai Branch, Sampran, Nakhon Pathom Province. Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, 14(1), 263–277. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/GraduatePSRU/article/view/238298



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