Development of a Communicative Speaking Instructional Model in Conjunction with Social Media to Enhance the English-Speaking Ability for Undergraduate Students


  • Nipawan Navawatana Program in Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education, Silpakorn University
  • Nattana Leelaharattanarak Program in Business Management and Languages, Faculty of Management Science, Silpakorn University


Task-based teaching, Communicative English-Speaking skill, Social media


The purposes of this research were 1) to identify the English-speaking needs of hotel front desk staff members, 2) to develop a task-based teaching model that can work in conjunction with social media for the purpose of developing students’ English-speaking skills, 3) to study the development of students’ English-speaking skills by using a task-based teaching model, and 4) to study the students’ satisfaction with a task-based English communication teaching model that emphasizes using social media. The results of the research revealed that  the English-specific topics needed for hotel communication for front-end hotel employees, the most common situations they will encounter are: 1) Answering/handling phone calls,
2) Welcoming guests and checking in at the hotel, 3) Asking for and giving directions, 4) Hotel facilities and room amenities, 5) Dealing with guests’ complaints, and 6) Checking out and paying a bill at the hotel. Regarding the results of the research, more than 70% of the students showed improvement after following the LOVE model. After undergoing instruction following the LOVE model, 74.21% of students showed a high-level of improvement. Finally, the satisfaction survey revealed that the LOVE model was viewed favorably by the students.


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How to Cite

Navawatana, N. ., & Leelaharattanarak, N. . (2020). Development of a Communicative Speaking Instructional Model in Conjunction with Social Media to Enhance the English-Speaking Ability for Undergraduate Students. Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, 14(2), 593–608. Retrieved from



Research Article