The Development of Analyzing Problem Solving Model in the Operation Process towards the Supervisors in the Apparel Industry


  • Hathaikarn Kulwachirawan Program in Industrial Business and Human Resource Development, Faculty of Business and Industrial Development, King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok
  • Sakarin Yuphong Program in Industrial Business and Human Resource Development, Faculty of Business and Industrial Development, King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok
  • Akkarat Poolkrajang Program in Mechanical Education, Faculty of Technical Education, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi


Human resource management, Problems-solving skills, Production, Apparel industry


This research had 3 main objectives that were to investigate the essential elements of skills in analytical problem solving from the operation towards the supervisors in the apparel industry, to develop the model of analytical problem solving from the operation process towards the supervisors in the apparel industry, and to evaluate problem analysis from the operation process towards the supervisors in the apparel industry respectively. This research was conducted with mixed methods: quantitative and qualitative research. The sample groups were divided into 2 groups as 1) the qualitative sample was the group who provided in-depth interviews such as the factory executives, production manager and the experts in total of 12 people. Discussion focus group meeting consisted of 13 experts. The group of answering the questionnaire, the supervisors in the apparel industry consisted of 513 people and the group of sample in using the development manual consisted of 30 people. 2) The quantitative sample such as the apparel industry consisted of 364 people. The data were collected by using in-depth interviews and questionnaires and statistically analyzed in terms of exploratory factors analysis and correlation coefficient with content analysis. The research findings showed that the essential elements of analysis thinking skills in problems solving towards the supervisors in the apparel industry were 8 elements analytical thinking skills consisting of 1) the problems identification, 2) the data collection and finding the causes, 3) analyzing the problems, 4) the categories classification and connection, 5) the summarization, 6) the planning for handling the problems, 7) the applying for practice, and 8) the checking. These 8 element categories were all thoroughly related. The researcher brought up these findings to continuously apply in implementation for practical handbook of developing towards analytical thinking skills in problems solving purposively for production supervisors in the clothing industry. The results of training courses for promoting to those mentioned skills found that the production supervisors had much more efficiency in practical work, and enabled to develop continuously and efficiently towards their operations.


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How to Cite

Kulwachirawan, H. ., Yuphong, S. ., & Poolkrajang, A. . (2020). The Development of Analyzing Problem Solving Model in the Operation Process towards the Supervisors in the Apparel Industry. Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, 14(2), 383–400. Retrieved from



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