Relationships among Perceived Hedonic and Utilitarian Value, Place attachment, and Satisfaction and Intention to Recommend of Coffee Shop Franchises


  • Sunida Piriyapada International college, Panyapiwat Institute of Management, Nonthaburi 11120



Place attachment, Customer satisfaction, Hedonic and utilitarian values, Intention to recommend, Coffee shop patrons


The evolution of coffee culture is a device that reflects the coffee consumption behavior of Thai people, starting with the regular brewing of coffee in houses until the development of coffee shops comes, it represents a new identity for the middle class. Especially, Coffee shop franchises are growing in Thailand with a continuously massive growth. This research was made to examine the relationships among hedonic and utilitarian values, place attachment, customer satisfaction and intention to recommend of selected coffee shop franchises. Data used in this study were gathered from 295 Thai coffee shop patrons by conducting a Google online survey, data analysis results were tested using a structural model.  The results of the study showed that the customer satisfaction factor has the strongest effect on the intention to recommend (0.672), followed by place attachment (0.555), hedonic value (0.479) and utilitarian value (0.338) at the 0.001 significance level. Coffee shop managers should thus give a significant importance to good service quality and store atmosphere for Thai consumers, which in turn positively affects to intention to recommend.


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How to Cite

Piriyapada, S. . . (2022). Relationships among Perceived Hedonic and Utilitarian Value, Place attachment, and Satisfaction and Intention to Recommend of Coffee Shop Franchises. Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, 16(2), 560–578.



Research Article